23 March 2010


Just had to do it. You understand.

In memory of an unidentified flying feline (UFF).

I think it's important to take a moment to reflect on the lost life of a UFF. Though we may not have known him, I'm sure his life must have been meaningful. He probably made some little child very, very happy for some time, short as it may have been. HOWEVER, a child will never have the chance to cuddle with that particular kitty again because I RAN OVER HIM WITH MY CAR!!!

It's a strange story, really. Here I was minding my own business, driving down the Johnstown expressway. Having the need for speed, I decided to pass the slowpoke ahead of me. So, I move into the left lane. And right as I am wedged in between the cement divider on my left and the slowpoke on my right, something flies over the cement divider. Yes, it flew. Unfortunately, the landing wasn't quite as smooth as the flight. The kitty landed right under my tire on the passenger's side of my car. This, I am sure of.

The last thing I saw before I felt the bump was an erect tail and four graceful legs sailing through the air. What a horrific night.

Rest in Pieces, UFF. :(

10 March 2010

Spring break.. what a joke.

So it's supposed to be spring break this week and I can't make myself relax. There's just so much I have to get done so soon. First off, I still haven't looked at any apartments because I haven't had time to call everywhere and set up appointments. If I keep it up, I'll be stuck where I'm at next year too. Uck! That's a huge problem.. you'd understand if you saw my hallway.

Secondly, my neuro class-- not going so well. It doesn't matter how much time I spend studying for that God awful class, I do worse on each test. I don't even know what to do anymore. On top of that, I'm supposed to be writing a paper with a group in my health psych class, but wait-- they never come to class. The teacher told me she was worried about our group, and quite frankly, so am I. I passed on our worries to my group members and came back with the response, "Oh well." WTF. So, basically, this is a failing semester. I'm going to be in school forever.

It doesn't help that they give me a ton of work to do over break anyway. What kind of break is this? Oh yeah, it's not one. It's just a week to make me even more miserable. One more week to think about all the stuff I have to do before summertime. Forgive me for not blogging lately; I've lost my sense of humor. I'm too busy ripping my hair out.