27 January 2010

First ever blog post!!!

So, I stayed up until five in the morning trying to create myself a cute blog, which may or may not ever be read by anyone besides myself. That's okay though. This is for me, not everyone else.. unless, of course, they are fascinated by my musings. Being the perfectionist that I am, I'll probably spend a good amount of time attempting to edit the page some more tomorrow. I haven't used html in, oh say, five years? I guess I need to brush up again. But not until after I get some much needed rest! :) Goodnight, moon.

1 comment:

Casey Bassett said...

You are such a beautiful girl and deserve anything you set your mine and your heart on! Never give up or lose hope like I have so many times in the past. Be strong, and fight for the things you want the most, and love the most.